Some of you may have already heard, but we had to put Pepper to sleep this past weekend. Pepper’s health had declined over the past couple of months and we could see his happiness was not what it used to be. Pepper was the first ‘major’ expense I got as I transitioned from college student to college graduate. It was in the fall of 1993 that I found him at a local pet shelter in Marshall, MN. The person at the shelter said Pepper and his brother were found tied to a stop sign near the shelter. Within two minutes of seeing him in there I knew he was the dog for me. So with nothing more than a leash and collar from the shelter, I signed the papers, paid his registration feed, and took him to Wal-Mart to get a kennel, dog dish, food, etc. so he would be comfortable at my apartment.
Did I mention that I hadn’t even checked to see if my apartment accepted pets?
Pepper was with me for over 16 years, which is almost half of my memorable life. He was the epitome of what defines a great dog. Thank you Pepper for being such a wonderful companion the past 16 years. You were always there when I needed a friendly face to cheer me up or be next to me to get through darker times. There will never be another dog to fill the hole you’ve left in our lives. You will be sorely missed by all us, especially me. Take care and I know I’ll see you again someday.