I’ve started to split my time between my Mac (mostly work) and my iPad (mostly home). Splitting my time between two different platforms has forced me to sometimes have two different tools sets. Editorial has been my de facto editor on my iPad pretty much since it was released. Byword is my favorite editor on my Mac, but it lacks the of the automation functionality that Editorial on the iPad has.
One of my key Editorial functions I missed was an easy way to insert MD syntax links from the current browser window. So here’s a simple Keyboard Maestro macro to insert the current Safari URL as a MD link in Byword (or your favorite MD editor).

Just open the page you want to link to in Safari, go back to Byword, and then hit the hotkey combo. The KM macro will then ask you for the text you will use as the text for the link, pull in the current URL, then combine the two and paste it in Byword as MD link syntax.
Got any questions? Feel free to hit me up on Twitter at @MyGeekDaddy.