Best thread on Ubuntu for RPi

Trying to learn Python has been something I've been taking on over the winter. I've been using the Raspberry Pi as my work environment to find real world examples to work through. One of the collateral changes that has come from this is using Linux more and more. I switched to a VPS using Ubuntu to run my website and have been dual booting Ubuntu on my MBP. 1

The biggest breakthrough came a couple of weeks ago when the Raspberry Pi foundation released an updated version of the Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi community has gone crazy of the update. From all the great work has come the best update of all: Ubuntu 14.04 (trusty) Raspberry Pi 2 image

The forum thread gives a link to download an Ubuntu image for the Raspberry Pi 2. There are some great comments and contributions being made on this thread.

  1. Look for more on moving from OS X to Linux in the coming months. 

