This post is more for me to have a public reference point when I have this problem again. 1 Out of the box, Word 2016 for macOS has a problem of not showing the header or footer when you create a new document.

For the longest time I was trying …
This post is more for me to have a public reference point when I have this problem again. 1 Out of the box, Word 2016 for macOS has a problem of not showing the header or footer when you create a new document.
For the longest time I was trying …
Guess Office 2016 users have to wait until El Cap 10.11.1 is released if they still want to be productive. According to Macworld the update released earlier this week does not address crashes with Office apps on OS X 10.11. An update note from Microsoft stated:
On …
As a project manager, I know part of my job is to keep people, who may not directly report to me, on schedule for tasks that have been assigned to them. Lately I've been dealing with more disruptions to my schedules and finally took some time to look at the …