Replicate ISO Date from macOS in Drafts

Summer is here1 and I'm starting to work in odder locations - some by choice and some due to my work schedule. Normally I work from a Mac, but my travel schedule has led me back to my iPad to get my work done. I love the portability of my …

Another KM Macro Conversion

The long holiday weekend allowed me to catch up on some reading 1 and some more ideas on matching my macOS automations for my iPad. In preparation for upcoming posts, I started looking at ways to get image links easily formatted for my site.

Since I write in Markdown, inserting …

Creating Pelican title blocks in Drafts

There's a funny thing that happens when you start using good tools, you only want to use your good tools. One of my favorite tools for a while now has been the Markdown1 text file format. The upside to using Markdown is that it's also the format I use …

Pushing Drafts into Editorial

Drafts is one of my favorite apps and a lot of what I do gets started there. I've also started to use Editorial as my go to writing app.1 So I finally got around to developing a couple of workflows for these two apps to work better together …
