Setting Default Defer/Due time in OmniFocus

For many a geek, last week felt like an early Christmas. Apple released the lastest verion of iOS and many developers released updates to their flagship applications for iOS 8. 1 One of my most anticipated apps was Omnigroup's update to OmniFocus for the iPad. The updated app hit all …

Pushing Drafts into Editorial

Drafts is one of my favorite apps and a lot of what I do gets started there. I've also started to use Editorial as my go to writing app.1 So I finally got around to developing a couple of workflows for these two apps to work better together …

Simple URL encoding in Drafts

My recent posts on Drafts and Pythonista have focused using tools I have versus searching for tools I could use. A simple example in these posts has been on steps to conduct percent/URL encoding text.

Well @hiilppp has found the simplest and most elegant solution to URL encode a …
