My preferred learning method is to get a good example of how to do something and work on extending the example to do what I really want it to do. One of my favorite blogs I follow that let's me do this is @DrDrang's blog - And now it’s …
View Footer/Header in Word 2016
This post is more for me to have a public reference point when I have this problem again. 1 Out of the box, Word 2016 for macOS has a problem of not showing the header or footer when you create a new document.

For the longest time I was trying …
iPad vs Mac (for the power user)
Sometimes a great idea isn't your own. And lately another engineer has been beating me to the punch on my ideas. Dr. Drang (@DrDrang) has a recent post that covers the next area I was looking at in my iPad experiment - the power of the iPad vs the Mac. In …
Fixing Safari Setting for Keyboard Maestro
Back in April there was quite a kerfuffle over Smile Software's move to a subscription based payment for Text Expander. Dr Drang (@drdrang) has written a follow up to his earlier thoughts on the shift by Smile Software and moving his snippets to Keyboard Maestro. I've been making the same …