Call me old school, but there are times I prefer paper over digital. I found I have a disconnect from being able to collect notes or ideas to capturing action items in a meeting, and then religiously getting these items documented into a digital format. This led me to start …
Getting OmniFocus 3 Task List on Paper (like real paper)
A new year always brings out the hopeful GTD'er in me. I was doing my year end review and noticed some holes in how I was tracking my work and how well I was finishing what I wanted to get done. Too often I was reverting back to latest/loudest …
Logging Ad Hoc Requests to OmniFocus
I've been on a bit of a kick updating my OmniFocus scripts. Part of this work has been to finally follow up on some links I've saved over the past couple of months. Most of the links are to variants of scripts I already have, but include features I've wanted …
Update to Exporting OmniFocus to iThoughtsHD
In a recent post, I described some of the changes that I've been making to my core OmniFocus 2 Applescripts. This work happened to coincide with a shout out for help I saw on Twitter:
@mygeekdaddy @macdrifter @MSchechter Thanks all. I am trying to get a Mind Map of my …
Adding Applescript to OF 2 Tool Bar
I'm fortunate enough to be able to use a Mac with my day job. However I've recently run into problems of creating, or updating, a script or automation method on one Mac, only to find it missing on the other. The tipping point was when I couldn't produce a list …