Update to OmniFocus To Do List Script

I've updated the Applescript to generate daily To Do lists from OmniFocus.

The change in the script is on line #52 so completed tasks are filter out of your results. The new line is:

set refDueTaskList to a reference to (flattened tasks where (due date ≥ CurrDate and due date < endDatetxt …

Setting Referential Due Dates in OmniFocus

OmniFocus has been my primary task management app for quite a while now. One feature I requested a while back is a setting that allows OmniFocus to have referential Due Date entry based on the task's Defer Date. The idea is if I have a deferred date in the future …

Setting default Defer/Due time on iOS

For many a geek, last week felt like an early Christmas. Apple released the lastest verion of iOS and many developers released updates to their flagship applications for iOS 8. [1] One of my most anticipated apps was Omnigroup’s update to OmniFocus for the iPad. The updated app hit …

Setting Default Defer/Due time in OmniFocus

For many a geek, last week felt like an early Christmas. Apple released the lastest verion of iOS and many developers released updates to their flagship applications for iOS 8. 1 One of my most anticipated apps was Omnigroup's update to OmniFocus for the iPad. The updated app hit all …
