Setting Referential Due Dates in OmniFocus

OmniFocus has been my primary task management app for quite a while now. One feature I requested a while back is a setting that allows OmniFocus to have referential Due Date entry based on the task's Defer Date. The idea is if I have a deferred date in the future …

Insert MD link using Keyboard Maestro

I’ve started to split my time between my Mac (mostly work) and my iPad (mostly home). Splitting my time between two different platforms has forced me to sometimes have two different tools sets. Editorial has been my de facto editor on my iPad pretty much since it was released …

Simple Keyboard Maestro web clipper

One of the common tasks I have to do is cite either a regulatory website (EPA, OSHA, etc) or a local statute. When forwarding a citation, invarably someone is going to ask where exactly did I get that from. Instead of digging up the citation and going back to look …

Keyboard Maestro - Mac Shutdown Macro

When I shutdown my Mac I want to make sure it’s in a state that it can be booted up again, anywhere, with out any worries. At minimum this means muting the sound and turning off the wifi. So here’s a quick Keyboard Maestro macro to shut down …
